🌿 Le Nauputa, Gardien des Rivages Polynésiens 🌿
Once upon a time, on the golden shores of Polynesia, there thrived a plant with lush green leaves and delicate fan-shaped white flowers: the Naupata. For centuries, it has stood as a silent guardian, rooted in the sand, protecting the islands from the ever-changing tides. Long ago, the Polynesian navigators—brave explorers of the…
February 23, 2025
🌺 Tiare Tahiti, la fleur emblématique de Tahiti 🌺
Tiare Tahiti, the flower symbol of Tahiti An emblematic symbol of Polynesia, the Tahitian Tiare is much more than just a flower. Used in perfumery, traditional medicine and cultural rituals, it represents welcome, purity and Polynesian identity. Enclosed you’ll find a detailed presentation on the flower and its use in Monoï, as well…
February 19, 2025
Cultivating Our Future: Building Garden Beds Step by Step, Together
At Moana Adventure Tours, we believe in the power of community and sustainability. This year, we embarked on a new project to build garden beds for our company’s vegetable garden. It’s been a journey marked by teamwork, dedication, and a shared vision for a greener future. Step by step, we’re creating something beautiful and sustainable,…
June 30, 2024